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Watching games in progress for the new guys please!

I sometimes see new-to-tf2-competitive players entering a game and they have no idea how to rollout, they just play like it's a public match.

I think there should be a tab "Games in progress" where it's possible to enter games via STV (if there is) and watch others playing, either 6v6 9v9 or whatever.
The site should detect if the STV is join-able, if it is --> the site automatically adds it to the "Games in progress" list for people to watch.
As I remember there is a 3 minute delay on STV so he can't for example tell his friend where are the enemies, it's only for watching and learning.

In this tab they see the game mode (HL or 6v6) map, and location (NA, EU, etc...)
They can join and watch others playing the game and learn how to rollout, how to play different classes from different players, etc...

Thanks and please think about it!

Infarlock , 01.03.2014, 17:34
Idea status: under consideration


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