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The "join Mumble" button does not work

I love TF2Center, I think it's a lot better than other PUG networks. The "Mumble is required" icon is perfect and really enforces the use of communication when playing. But one problem is that the "join Mumble" button doesn't working. It never has worked for me. I've tried closing all instances of Mumble and all that stuff, but nothing seems to work.

repu , 23.12.2013, 12:07
Response from the site administrator
tf2center, 25.12.2013
Join mumble does work in most cases. In some it may not, but we need to know details about the failure. Entering no details and no contact email address means we have no way of finding out the actual issues, sorry.
Idea status: completed


BigRichard, 04.01.2014, 19:17
I had the same problem and discovered I was trying to use an older version of mumble. Make sure your client is up to date and this should fix your problem.

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