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Mumble launches after TF2 -> no overlay

Since you often play with people with voices you've never heared before overlay is pretty important.
Is there a possibility to join mumble before TF2 starts?

FromZero2Hero, 10.11.2013, 13:30
Response from the site administrator
tf2center, 10.11.2013
It is common known Mumble bug. It happened with me also. To solve this, you need to put "-nod3d9ex" parameter (without quotes) in your TF2 launch string (go Steam->Libriary->TF2->Properties->Launch string). After this Mumble overlay should work in TF2.
Idea status: completed


VoidWhisperer, 10.11.2013, 18:37
There is nothing they can do to fix this at the moment, and it is because of the way the mumble overlay works.

The only way would be to FORCE people to join mumble before they join the server, which may not work out if a user doesn't have mumble or already has tf2 open.

~ I do not work for TF2Center and this information is from the best of my abilities as to solve the problem.
Shake, 10.11.2013, 19:42
Yeah ... it's up to the player to open mumble before opening TF2 ... Dont think anyone lets the site open his tf2 and mumble ... people open the game and then add to lobbies

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