237 votes Vote

Autojoin to mumble or something? Mumble feature gets totally useless if not everyone is joining it.

Even if not everyone is talking, that's not the issue. If not everyone can hear listen to calls, even ingame communication is better.

FromZero2Hero, 10.11.2013, 13:27

Set mumble as requirement to join lobby

Make it possible so lobby leader can have the option to set his lobby mandatory with mumble or not. Once the lobby is up, make sure on the front page theres mumble icon indication at that lobby , so when ppl hover either the icon or the lobby a text will appear and says mumble is necessary to play.

if ppl doenst have mumble and still join the lobby make it so ur mumble server recognize that there are ppl missing and report the user. or make it so players can report.
If the user has too many reports then he isnt allowed to play on a mumble lobby for x days/week/month etc

maidos, 11.12.2013, 19:33

Make mumble an option to put as a restriction, so only if you are willing to join mumble you can play in that lobby

Just thought it would be a nice option so that you don't get lobbies with 1 or 2 people from the team in the mumble

Callum, 10.11.2013, 16:11
Response from the site administrator
tf2center, 22.01.2014
So to clarify what we've said on various different forums:

- This is not a technical limitation. We don't want to make users autojoin mumble, since voice chat is so much more personal. Users could be in another mumble and not realise we've transferred them, especially since mumble doesn't need to be in focus.
- Adding a flag onto a lobby saying you are expected to join mumble is something we're planning. Just a case of finding time to do it at this point.
- We're looking into seeing if we can track users joining mumble, and so keep a "mumble reliability" or similar.

Having said all that, it looks like auto-joining mumble is something a lot of people do really want. Once we get round to user preferences, this will probably end up in there.

Either way, I'll keep here posted with updates.


I think we can consider it is done.

Idea status: completed


VoidWhisperer, 10.11.2013, 18:39
They can't force people to join mumble, since the people that don't go into mumble generally don't go in for 2-3 reasons:

1. They don't have mumble, so forcing it to launch would be useless and do absolutely nothing
2. They don't want to join the mumble, in which case they still won't be forced to join the mumble server since they can just hit no on the popup to join.
3. They forget to hit the mumble button. In this case, this might solve this problem, but in all of the other cases the popups that come with launching mumble can get very annoying.

~ I do not work for TF2Center and this information is from the best of my abilities as to solve the problem.
it, 10.11.2013, 20:15
You could have it be a toggle-able option. Default off, and allow people to choose for themselves to enable it.
kkaltuu, 17.11.2013, 12:12
Non-arguments, it works in TF2pickup / spreadsheet mixes.
Alex, 18.11.2013, 01:19
I'm a software engineer, and whenever design decisions like this are disputed, the best decision is usually "Make it an option."
Noobinator, 20.11.2013, 02:58
Personally I feel mumble is overrated. For me, in-game voice works just fine, and reduces complexity. I have about 1900 lobbies and have no issues at all using in-game voice. If mumble is just a tad clearer, is it worth that to use over in game voice for this?
Also the class types are so big in the mumble overlay, you cannot even see the player's names. How about abbreviating those, like SP for spy, SC for scout, HW for Heavy, etc... Aside from that, I love the site and have tried it a few times. Keep up the great job!
tf2center, 22.11.2013, 12:36
Mumble voice latency is order of ~30ms or so, rather than the 2-4 seconds of in-game voice. We'll look into reducing the class name size!
Nurse Nejdii, 23.11.2013, 13:01
I think mumble is great, doesn't have the same bad delay as in-game voice, and the quality is much better. Everyone should have mumble. Definitely dig the idea of being able to put a little "mumble required" flag info when you make a lobby.
corvidae13, 13.12.2013, 23:54
another vote for "make it an option".

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